Undang undang ini di guna di kalangan masyarakat Cina dari AD 900 sehingga 1905. Ling Chi dalam bahasa Cina bermakna mendaki gunung secara perlahan lahan dan dalam hal ini mati dalam keadaan sakit secara perlahan lahan. Hukuman ini digunakan untuk kesalahan menjadi pembelot dan juga membunuh ibu bapa. Selain hukuman Ling Chi terdapat 5 jenis hukuman melibatkan badan. Hukuman tersebut ialah
1. Mo dimana pesalah akan di tatoo atas dahi.
2. Yi dimana hidung pesalah dipotong
3. Yue dimana kaki kiri atau kanan atau kedua duanya kaki di potong
4. Gong di mana kemaluan pesalah di potong dan pesalah akan dipaksa menjadi eunuk
5. Da Pi iaitu hukuman mati dengan memotong badan pesalah kepada 4 bahagian , di rebus hidup hidup , badan di caritkan dengan kuda, dipenggal kepala, di cekik dan LingChi atau mati dengan seribu potongan.
Diharap ini akan menjawab isu yang di mainkan oleh Dr Chua So Lek dan MCA yang bertujuan menakut nakutkan masyarakat Cina Malaysia supaya tidak menyokong PAS.
- Mò (墨), also known as qíng (黥), where the offender would be tattooed on the face or forehead with indelible ink. (1,000 crimes)
- Yì (劓), where the offender's nose was cut off. (1,000 crimes)
- Yuè (刖), also known as bìn (膑/臏) during the Xia Dynasty and zhǎnzhǐ (斩趾) during the Qin Dynasty, involved amputation of the left or right foot or both. Other sources claim that this punishment involved removal of the kneecap, which is claimed to be the source of Warring States Period military strategist Sun Bin’s name. (500 crimes)
- Gōng (宫), also known as yínxíng (淫刑), fǔxíng (腐刑)[7][8] or cánshì xíng (蚕室刑), where the male offender’s reproductive organs were removed.[9][10] The penis was removed and testicles were cut off, and the offender was sentenced to work as a eunuch in the Imperial palace.[11][12] Gōng for men was applied to the same crime as gōng for women, namely adultery, "licentious" or "promiscuous" activity.[13] (300 crimes)
- Dà Pì (大辟), the death sentence. Methods of execution were quartering, or cutting the body into four pieces (fēn wéi lù 分为戮); boiling alive (pēng 烹); tearing off an offender's head and four limbs by attaching them to chariots (chēliè 车裂); beheading (xiāoshǒu 枭首); execution then abandonment of the offender’s body in the local public market (qìshì 弃市); strangulation (jiǎo 绞); and slow slicing (língchí 凌迟). Other methods of execution were also used. (200 crimes)
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